In the middle school division, students participate in harvesting aquatic plants from the Tenjin River, which flows into Lake Shinji, and interview local residents working to protect the river. Through these activities, they gain an understanding of the region’s water culture and identify local challenges. The harvested aquatic plants are transported to fields with the help of local businesses and are spread on the soil to improve its quality. In the high school division, students continue learning about the fields and work to solve related challenges while growing crops. This initiative creates a new cycle, similar to the Ogonoring but focused on aquatic plants, offering students practical, real-world experiences beyond the classroom.
For more details about past activities, please visit the Nakaumi-chan Blog!
年に6回の授業の中で中海を大好きになります。 学習を始めた頃の子ども達は、中海について無関心の様子でした。
Through six classes each year, children come to love Nakaumi. At the start of the program, many children showed little interest in Nakaumi. However, as they listened to stories from local residents, learned about initiatives addressing local challenges, and experienced hands-on activities like touching the water and wildlife of Nakaumi, their attitudes began to change. They interacted with fishermen working to restore the once-famous ark shell (Sarbogai), which was a specialty of Nakaumi, and participated in activities such as fishing for gobies (Gozu), immediately preparing and enjoying them as fried snacks, and learning traditional recipes from local residents. They also compared the flavors of locally sourced and out-of-prefecture ark shells. By experiencing the cycle of life firsthand and tasting the delicious bounty grown in Nakaumi, the children gained a deep appreciation for the ecosystem. In their final class, the “Ark Shell Sales Event,” they proudly and confidently shared the benefits of Nakaumi ark shells and the story of Nakaumi while selling the shells. This program is covered annually by NHK as a regional news feature.
We invited Hiroshi Iijima from the certified NPO Asaza Fund as a special lecturer to learn about the circular utilization of seaweed. He taught us “how to communicate with living creatures,” emphasizing that living things and nature are connected through gratitude, just as humans and nature are. Together, we reflected on whether Nakaumi is also connected through gratitude. This experience likely inspired participants to broaden their perspectives by trying to connect with living creatures.